Attention! PATS Writer is distributed "as is". The developer is not responsible for the damage caused to the vehicle due to incorrect use of the application!



The main tool for work in all internal servises is your incode calculator account.
Personal area is created to manage it and to buy some options (including coming soon features).


Registration is required to get access to the personal area. Follow the link, enter your e-mail, your password (twice), your name, your country, your city and text from the image (captcha) in appropriate fields and press Register button. Password must contain 8 - 20 characters. If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form. You must have access to your e-mail to get an account activation link. After successful registraion you will receive an activation link to your e-mail.
Attention! If you haven`t received the activation link to your e-mail, please, check the "Spam" folder.
Follow the link from the message to activate your account. After successful activation you can log in to the personal area. Enter your e-mail and your password in appropriate fields and press Login button.


To restore your password follow the link, enter your e-mail and text from the image (captcha) in appropriate fields and press Reset button. If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form. Reset link will be sent to your e-mail.
Attention! If you haven`t received the reset link to your e-mail, please, check the "Spam" folder.
Follow the link from the message, enter the new password (twice) and press Change button. Now you can log in to the personal area with the new password.


Account page consists of two blocks:
  - account information block: contains information about your account (name, e-mail, status, balance) and allows to edit it;
  - incode calculator block: contains information about your incode calculator account (user ID, license type, subscribe expiration date (if available), count of tokens and authorized devices on your subscription), allows manage your calculator account and autorize new devices to your subscription.


To edit your personal information press Edit button in the account information block, change data in appropriate fields and press Save button. To change your password press Change password button, enter your current password, new password (twice) in appropriate fields and press Change button. If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form.
Attention! Your e-mail address can`t be changed!
To delete your account press Delete button in the account information block, enter your current password and press Delete button again.


To add your caclculator account press Add button in the incode calculator account block, enter your calculator user ID and password to appropriate fields and press Log in button. If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form. After successful addition you can see all information about your calculator accont in the appropriate block. To delete an incode calculator account from your personal area press Remove button in incode calculator block. If the deletion was done accidentally, just add your incode calculator account again.
Attention! You can add only one incode calculator account to your personal area, but one calculator account can be added to many personal areas.


You can authorize up to 3 devices on your subscription. Authorization link will be available when subscription is active and when the number of authorized devices is less than 3. Follow device authorization link, enter your calculator password and new hardware ID from PATS Writer settings window in appropriate fields and press Authorize button. If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form. If the authorized device has any additional licenses, hardware ID will be displayed in underlined font and options will be shown on mouseover.
Attention! Please, be careful when you authorize a new device! An authorized device can`t be deleted from your incode calculator account!


On the purchasing page you can add tokens and subscription to your incode calculator account as well as add additional licence to your device. The device for which a license is purchased, doesn`t have to be authorized on the incode calculator account.
Attention! If you have no incode calculator account added, you can purchase only an additional license for device hardware ID!
To buy:
  - calculator tokens - select the required count of tokens from the dropdown list and press Purchase button
  - subscribe - select the required type from the dropdown list and press Purchase button
  - additional license - select the required license from the dropdown list, enter you hardware ID and press Purchase button
Attention! Please, be careful when you purchase an additional license!
If the hardware ID is incorrect, the additional license won`t be added and money will be charged from your account!

If something is wrong, error message will be displayed on the botton of the form.


To top up your balance, please, contact admin. Acquiring system is in development.


Other features are in development. Some features, that are dependant on your account status, will be available soon.



For using incode calculator registration is required. Enter USER ID and password in appropriate fields and press Register button. USER ID must contain 6 - 16 characters. Password must contain 8 - 20 characters. Success or error message will be displayed on the top of the form.


Enter your user ID and your password in appropriate fields and press Login button. If something is incorrect, error message will be displayed on the top of the form. After success log in the calculator form will be displayed. You can see information about your account on the top of the form:
Account - your user ID
License type - type of your account. It can be:
  - Requests Only - only caclulator tokens without using in PATS Writer application
  - PATS Writer Only - only subscribe to PATS Writer application without using incode calculator
  - PATS Writer and Requests - subscribe to PATS Writer application and calculator tokens
Expires - expiry date of your subcription
Attempts left - count of your tokens
Long codes present - permission to calculate 20-bytes outcodes

If you have no permission to calculate long codes: after trying to calculate it you will see an error message on the bottom of the form. Calculator is equipped with an outcode input correctness control system. If outcode length is incorrect or outcode isn`t a hexadecimal number, error message will be displayed on the bottom of the form. If outcode is correct, incode will be displayed in the bottom field.
Attention! Outcode must be entered with delimiter characters. It can be '-' or 'space'.


One calculation of standart single outcode (ex. X040-XXXXXX-000000) costs 1 token.
One calculation of standart double outcode (ex. XX44-XXXXXX-XXXXXX) costs 2 tokens.
One calculation of 20-bytes outcode costs 2 tokens.

Warning! Your diagnostic tool must display correct outcode with a code validation flag! If outcode begins like X000, probably, this code is incorrect or it is read without a validation flag and it can`t be calculated correctly!



The latest version of PATS Writer is 1.9.15.
Follow the link to see changelog.
Attention! The application collects some numbers of installed hardware parts for generating hardware ID. Please, note that some antivirus (or simular) software may block or delete the executable file! If this happened, add the file to your antivirus exception list (see your antivirus instruction if you don`t know how to do that).


PATS Writer is created to work with FORD and Lincoln PATS (Passive Anti-Theft System). It supports all FORD and Lincoln vehicles from 1998 to 2026 model year - both keyed and keyless also.
Minimum system requirements:
  - Windows 7 or higher
  - 1 GB RAM
  - 100 MB free HDD space
  - USB 2.0 port
  - .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher

Application can be used with J2534 adapters, with STN-based adapters (ex. OBDLink, ELS27, etc.) or with ELM327. If your J2534 adapter doesn`t support second CAN on 3, 11 OBD pins, it can`t work with keyless vehicles (appropriate message will be displayed after connection). Adapters, based on IC STN1110, and ELM327 also can`t work with keyless vehicles.
Attention! STN-based adapters and ELM327 must be hard-wired! PATS Writer doesn`t support wireless ELM327 and wireless STN-based adapters!
Attention! PATS Writer doesn`t support China clones of ELS27!
If you use STN-based adapter or ELM327, you need to choose COM-port connection type, choose necessary port and adapter`s speed from the list or use autobaudrate and press Open button. If you use a J2534 adapter, you need to choose J2534 connection type, choose the necessary adapter from the list and press Connect button. If something is incorrect, an error message will be displayed. After a successful connection you can see the connection status on the status-bar on the bottom of the window.
Application can work with:
  - external incode calculator
  - FORD dealer system account - using FORD PTS calculator
  - subscribe - registration is required, using internal incode calculator

For using external incode calculator choose Manual incode entering mode and press Run button.
For using FORD dealer system account choose FORD dealer option, enter your FORD dealership login and password and press Login button.
For using subscribe choose PATS Writer option, enter your incode calculator login and password and press Login button.
After successful log in, the screen with main functions will be displayed. If something is incorrect, error message will be displayed.
Attention! It can be authorized up to 3 PC on one subscribe!
Attention! All additional licenses become attached to PC hardware ID! You can see your hardware ID in settings window.


PATS Writer can:
  - Show keycount. On keyed vehicles it can show the count of PATS transponders and the count of keyfobs. On keyless vehicles it can also show the count of written keys inside the car and the count of emergency marks. This function is available on Keys tab.
  - Write keys. Writing PATS transponers and keyfobs on keyed and keyless vehicles. The original key is not required. This function is available on PATS functions tab.
  - Erase keys. Erasing all PATS transponders and keyfobs on keyed and keyless vehicles. This function is available on PATS functions tab.
  - Change the minimum and maximum count of written keys. Changing the minimum and maximum count of written keys from 1 to 8 in BCM, RFA and IPC. Attention! Minimum key count can be changed to 1 only on Focus MK3, Kuga MK2 and Transit 2014-2017! This function is available on Keys tab.
  - Read keypad code. Reading keypad factory code on all vehicles. This function is available on PATS functions tab.
  - Write keypad code. Changing and writing keypad factory code on all vehicles. This function is available on PATS functions tab.
  - Initialize PATS modules. Initialization of PATS modules (PCM, BCM, ABS, RFA, ESCL and TCM, SOBDMx on EV vehicles) after replacement. This function is available on PATS functions tab.
  - Restore factory defaults of BCM. Restoring BCM factory defaults after invalid configuration or other damage caused by incorrect using of diagnostic tool. This function is available on Others functions tab.
  - Disarming BCM. Turning off BCM security mode if vehicle has sounds and lights signalling and if it has any security errors with standart PATS operations. This function is available on Others functions tab.


  - PATS targets. PATS Writer can read, write and save main PATS data from modules. It allows to do clones of modules only for PATS data. An additional license is required. This function is available on Other functions tab.
  - DTC clear. Clearing DTC of all modules. Attention! If your adapter doesn`t support second CAN on 3, 11 OBD pins, DTC will be cleared only in modules on HS-CAN (OBD pins 6, 14). This function is available on Other functions tab.
  - Vehicle reset. Resetting all vehicle modules. Attention! If your adapter doesn`t support second CAN on 3, 11 OBD pins, modules will be resetted only on HS-CAN (OBD pins 6, 14). This function is available on Other functions tab.
  - P160A clear. Writing configuration to PCM after replacement. This function is available on Other functions tab.
  - Crash clear. Clearing crash only in BCM. This function is available on Other functions tab.



This Remote adapter application is designed to work on remote vehicles from your PC with your purchased subscription. It supports all J2534 and STN-based adapters.
Minimum system requirements:
  - Windows 7 or higher
  - 1 GB RAM
  - 1 MB free HDD space
  - USB 2.0 port
  - .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher

Run the application on a remote computer, connect your adapter, paste the session ID to PATS Writer with the remote connection option and press Connect button. After a successful connection you can work on remote vehicles with your subscription on your PC. The application repeats critical information messages from PATS Writer (about the ignition status, press buttons on the key, etc).
Attention! An additional subscription is required! You can activate one week free trial in your personal area.

5. API

If you are a developer of diagnostic tools you can use all calculator functions in your tool. API works with subscription and with tokens. If your account has subscription and tokens, first it uses subscription. Number of calculations is limited to 75 per day on subscription. To learn more about API please contact the admin.